Supporting small business and why it counts

By supporting small businesses, you're doing a world of good right in your own backyard. Plus, you're helping support a local community's future, which can impact many people's lives more directly. Small businesses often employ locally, donate to local charities, and care about their global footprint.
Small business priorities:
Environmental impact: small, sustainable businesses tend to prioritise the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable production methods. By supporting these businesses, you are helping to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing and consumption.
Local economy: small businesses are often locally owned and operated, which means that supporting them helps boost the local economy. This can help create jobs and provide a sense of community.
Innovation: Small, sustainable businesses often prioritise innovation and creativity. By supporting these businesses, you are helping to encourage new ideas and approaches to sustainable manufacturing and production.
Ethical practices: Many small, sustainable businesses have a strong commitment to ethical practices, such as fair labor practices and responsible sourcing of materials. By supporting these businesses, you are helping to ensure that your purchases align with your values.
Personalised service: Small businesses often provide personalised service and attention to their customers. By supporting these businesses, you are more likely to receive high-quality customer service and a more personalised shopping experience.
Overall, supporting small, sustainable businesses is important for a variety of reasons. By doing so, you are helping to support the environment, the local economy, innovation, ethical practices, and personalised service.
See our eco friendly swim and resort collection and support a small business today.